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Forget The Rules... if you like it, wear it!

Posted on April 21 2015

I grew up believing in certain fashion rules... Match your handbag to your shoes, never wear pink with red, stripes add bulk and pack away your white jeans after labor day. 

As I discovered my own sense of style I realized a freedom in mismatching my patterns, wearing bold colors and creating a unique style that was all my own. Quite often I meet girls who come into the boutique with their own rules. Usually they say 'I can't wear that color' or ' I don't do ruffles' or they ask 'can i wear that together? or 'can I wear that at my age?' (I hate that one) so I say... why not! 

fashion quotes advice rules risk blogger

Let's forget the rules! If you like it, wear it! Let's liberate each other to wear whatever we want. Wouldn't it be great if all of us  rejected norms, rules and barriers? Why don't we start by taking a style challenge for the next seven days. I'm suggesting two practical ideas:

1. Every day wear something that scares you. Take a fashion risk... Small or big... Preferably big. Even if it's just rolling the cuffs up on your pants... If that's a risk for you, do it!

2. Be kind to others who are taking fashion risks. Don't look down on them if something isn't a perfect match or if their style isn't your choice. Honor the person for taking a risk.

3. Encourage others! Once a day compliment someone who is pushing the envelope or someone who has put extra effort into their look that day.  

Our team at the boutique has been taking a fashion challenge for the month of April.  You might have noticed us mixing prints, wearing new colors and trying new styles. Has it been easy? No way! Personally I've felt strange every time I've left the house, but it's liberating and it builds confidence. 

The whole time I've wanted to wear a sign on my back that say, "Go easy on me, I'm trying new things", but at the end of the day people have been gracious and complimentary so it's a new method of style for me.

We hope all our Bettie's will join us and have fun doing it too! 


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