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How to wear a bralette this V-day

Posted on February 07 2017

This romantic trend can we a fashion risk for some gals... so we're sharing our tips for showing off your bralette this V-day. 

1.  Choose the style that best supports your bust. If you're 'blessed in the bust', you'll need a style with a little more under band support and traditional straps. Try a racer back style

2.  Choose a top with a v-neck, boat neck, off shoulder or open back. Let just a little of the bralette peek out... the strap is classy

3.  Contrast colors! If you're wearing a black top, try a blush or wine bralette. If you're wearing grey... anything goes... but we love blush and grey together. Ivory and white bralettes can we the hardest to pair because they look just like a regular bra. 


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